For late reservations, please call the WIZO office at 212-751-6461
Children For Our Children Fashion Show

Thank you to our sponsors!





Brian & Monica Shatz
Sharon & Jay Podolsky
Shirley & Stuart Podolsky
The Shahery Family
Kimley & Karon Shemesh
Allison & Joshua Zegen
Chami & Lazar Fruchter
Sima & Morad Ghadamaian
Vida & Arthur Mantel
Gila & David Marx
Jeanne & Adam Peldman
Gail & Berndt Perl
Lili & Robert Sedaghatpour
Tammy & Richard Shatz
Jessica & Danny Shatz
Tali & Adam Tantleff
Amanda & Daniel Zelouf
Jacqueline & Hilbert Eshaghpour
Fadlun Family Foundation
Shari & Robert Feig
Daniella & Josh Gotlib
Mireille Manocherian
A. Mitchell Greene Robinson Brog Leinwand Greene
Leslie Dezer Salmon & Ricardo Salmon
Evelyn & Fred Sommer
Tanya Zuckerbrot & Anthony Westreich
Brenda & Alvi Abuaf
Esther & Meyer Chetrit
Steven Gut
Charlene Khaghan
Lisa Ohebshalom
TreeLine Companies
Jackie & Bippy Siegal
Roxana & Robert Tetenbaum
Benefit Committee
Jennifer & Daniel Agus
Lisa & Jonathan Ahdoot
Wilma & Kenneth Aschendorf
Lana & Moris Bakhash
Lauren & Jason Behfarin
Talia & Bobby Berookhim
Lisa & Richard Cohen
Marissa & Jarret Cohen
Caren & Arturo Constantiner
Tali & David Damaghi
Desiree & Elad Dror
Fortune & David Dushey
Deborah & Eric Edell
Madeline & Tom Elghanayan
Caroline & Guy Endzweig
Elena & Robert Eshaghpour
Chaiki & Ziel Feldman
Lauren & Martin Geller
Carin & Eric Gribetz
Isadora & Abe Haddad
Natalie & Mark Harounian
Nicole & Farbod Hay
Henriette & Joe Jemal
Haley Lieberman Binn
Jennifer & David Mashaal
Marcy & Cyrus Sakhai
Alissa & Gideon Schwartz
Suzy & Rob Schwartz
Arlette & Raphael Shaya
Sherrie & Eddie Soleymani
Victoria & Joseph Sutton
Nicole & Ariya Waxman
Carol & Michael Weisman
Junior Benefit Committee
Erit & Shimon Cohen
Jordana & Andy Fruchter
Dana Golding & Richard Scharf
Ida & Eric Kalimian
Erika & Eric Kashi
Arielle & Lior Sofer
WIZO USA, The Women’s International Zionist Organization, is a worldwide non-profit organization that operates over 800 social welfare projects in Israel.
How may we help you?
Build your connection to Jewish women across the world and together improve the lives of millions in Israel. WIZO USA was founded over 99 years ago by women with the shared goal of supporting Israel. Today, vibrant, talented women like you continue to support Israel’s women and children and express their Jewish values in ways that are most meaningful to them.
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