WIZO In The Community: Program By Numbers
Assisting Families
70 Groups for Single Parent Families, Dozens of centers for single-parent families throughout the country that provide advice, support and a group framework for family members. Social-support groups are operated by volunteers under the direction of professionals. WIZO organizes countless Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations, annual residential summer camps for children with disabled parents, children who have lost a sibling, orphans and children from single parent homes. WIZO Seminars for widows, legal advice and computerized information concerning families’ rights including services and discounts available from government agencies and local authorities.
Helping Women & Girls
12 community-based girl’s rehabilitation center, empowerment programs, vocational programs, and mentoring.
Opening The Door For Immigrants
Assistance in Immigrant Absorption including welfare services and social and cultural activities. 4 Homes for immigrant students. 46 classes for teaching Hebrew. 10 Empowerment Groups for new immigrant women
Honoring Senior Citizens
80 Social Clubs, 30 Groups for speakers of Foreign Languages.
WIZO Miami Beach Community Center, Ramat Gan
Beit Tzipora Centers, in Ashkelon and Kiryat Malachi
Founded by The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity in the mid-1990s, in 2017 the endowment of Beit Tziporah Centers was entrusted to WIZO.